Advanced Professional Training Balance Board

Advanced Professional Training Balance Board

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BUILDS CONFIDENCE AND BALANCE - They are created to help children develop a sense of balance, stimulate their vestibular system, and gain a deep sense of awareness of the body and its parts. It stimulates early childhood development on both physical and mental aspects while offering open-ended play opportunities.
ENCOURAGES CREATIVITY - Watch your child’s imagination take over once their arrives. They can use it as a seesaw, a balancing board, a slide, a step stool, a boat, a resting place, a doll bed, a puppet stage, a tunnel, and anything that they could ever imagine. The possibilities are endless, and truly up to them.
PREMIUM BUILT - These heavy-duty boards assure long-lasting use and durability. Each board is carefully handcrafted to make sure of its premium built and safety of use. Suitable for toddlers, children, teens, and even adults weighing up to 220 kilos or 485 pounds.
UNFADING QUALITY - With its water-based lacquer, it can be used both indoors and outdoors without worry. Rain or shine, you can't stop your little ones from enjoying these fun balance boards at home or in school.
ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY - These wooden boards use eco-friendly stains, water-based lacquers, and timber that are also FSC-certified, and meets Australian standards, EU standards and US standards.

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