Waterproof Reflective Water Belt Bag

Waterproof Reflective Water Belt Bag

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THERMAL INSULATION: The Backpack keeps your fluids cool with the inside thermal insulation and insulated tube that lasts up to a duration of 4 hours. This is no doubt the best hydration pack for running, hiking, cycling, or biking.
HIGHLY DURABLE and LIGHTWEIGHT: This hydration pack features military-grade durability which will keep the content of your backpack safe while it weights only 1 pound, definitely won't burden you in outdoors.
MULTIPLE STORAGE COMPARTMENT: This tactical hydration backpack has multiple pockets that give you all the space you need to store your various necessities. Whether itâ€s an extra sweater, your cell phone or your keys as well, the differently sized pockets will suit all your storage needs perfectly as required.
REPLACEABLE 2L BLADDER: Comes with a built-in 2L bladder with insulated tube that will allow you to carry your water conveniently. The high quality bladder is made using EVA material and it's BPA-free and FDA-approved, and with an extra-wide diameter of 3. 1 inches screw cap, which makes for easy pouring of water and putting ice inside.
PERFECT OUTDOOR GEAR: The adjustable shoulder/chest straps are comfortable and breathable. The hydration backpack is a great companion built for multipurpose activities. Best value on Amazon backed by a 100% Money back guarantee with no question. Click Add to Cart now!

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