Waterproof Bicycle Saddle Bag

Waterproof Bicycle Saddle Bag

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Stylish and Versatile: Waterproof Bike Saddle Bag combines a highly functional, well thought through design with good aesthetics.
Small and compact: The Ebikeling Bike Saddle Bag can be quickly attached and removed to your bike’s rails via a nylon strap, further enhancing accessibility
Waterproof: The zippers are coated, preventing water ingress and makes opening and closing the saddle bag simple. Made of a very durable and made of high-grade nylon water-resistant outer materials which make it a very durable bike saddle bag.
Enough Space for your riding essentials: Saddle bag offers plenty of storage space and a large opening for easy access with a capacity of 0.4L. It has enough room for items such as keys, a phone, snacks, cameras, wallet, snacks and other essentials.
Helps for secure riding: Never worry about being seen when commuting at night thanks to high quality reflective trim and a tail light hanger for your rear bike light of choice for increased visibility while riding at night.

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