High Quality Salt Water Resistant Drum Fishing Reel

High Quality Salt Water Resistant Drum Fishing Reel

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The powerful bait-throwing fishing reel has corrosion-resistant smooth ball bearings, precise matching gears and powerful gear ratios. Super smooth performance. This bait spinning wheel tractor can tow the resistance washer to the 22 lb / 10 kg smooth fishing reel carbon tow reel market. Get this 5000/6000 spinning wheel and get ready for battle!
Durable-5000/6000 bait-throwing fishing reel has flawless lightweight graphite, this material makes the fishing reel anti-corrosive. Approved for freshwater and seawater fishing.
Smooth-The fishing reel bait feeding system allows to break off the spool and freely run the line without opening the guard ring. It is light and perfectly balanced.
Major features-Interchangeable right-hand or left-hand CNC machined aluminum handle, excellent line swing system. Ultra-thin streamlined body design. Suitable for all kinds of water, such as ocean boat fishing, ocean rock fishing, ocean beach fishing, lakes, rivers, pools, streams, etc. The perfect Thanksgiving birthday Christmas gift for fishermen.

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