- AB WHEEL ROLLER FOR GREAT BENEFITS: You can use it to shred fat, lose weight and shape your body. Also, it helps you stretch and exercise the muscles of abdomen, arms, chest, shoulders, back, and get you six pack abs. The exercise wheel will help strengthen your core strength, improve your postures and reduce injuries during your ab wheel workouts.
- Great for All Levels: The AB wheel roller and loop bands set fits for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced. No matter you are adults, men, women, or children, it is your ideal AB and full body exerciser, but it is not advised for people with lower back problems or hernias.
- Full Body Workout - Strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles, shoulders, arms and legs with this premium quality home gym equipment. Each repetition of the rollout exercise works various muscles targeting your abs, hip flexors, shoulders, and back.

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