Exercise hula Hoop for Adults, Weighted Stainless Steel Workout hula Hoops with Thicker Soft Foam

Exercise hula Hoop for Adults, Weighted Stainless Steel Workout hula Hoops with Thicker Soft Foam

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☀ STAINLESS STEEL EXERCISE Hula HOOPS ▬ Different from plastic hoops. Adult exercise hoops inner support tube is made of high quality stainless steel, stronger, more stable, more resistant to falls, not easily deformed, Longer service life.
☀ ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT ▬ Our weighted exercise hoops 2.1 pounds and diameter 37 inches. The metal tube is a hollow tube, and the weight can be adjusted freely. Weighted objects such as rice grains, sand, small balls, etc.Can be added inside the steel pipe, and the upper weight of the weight is determined by the load. The weighted hoops is an ideal choice for beginners to professionals.
☀ EASY TO INSTALL & DISASSEMBLE ▬ Each of our exercise hoops are equipped with a pressable disassembly button and a high quality couplar system. Comes as 6 separate sections that are equipped with a heavy-duty but simple to use assembly button for easily to storage and convenient to take to playground, garden, lawn, beach, gym, travel or others.
☀ SUPER PADDED SOFT FOAM ▬ The soft foam can protect beginners from waist injuries. Non-toxic padded soft foam, the weighted exercise hoops perfectly fits your waist while exercising and provides effective massage pressure on your waist without getting hurt.
☀ EFFECTIVE TO BURN CALORIES ▬ Weight exercise hoops can help increase blood circulation, flexibility and improve core balance. Exercise hoops for exercise won’t only reduce the waist, but also massage the waist and many limb movements during rotation; burns body fat, achieves a fitness and losing weight effect. It also helps in training the hips, legs and arm. Exercising with it for 30 minutes will burn fat & helps you achieve fitness.

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