- DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE, RECOVER, & IMPROVE FELXIBILTY: Our Revibe Vibration foam roller enhances the effectiveness to aid in your recovery and flexibility before and after weightlifting, CrossFit, yoga, indoor cycling, jiu-jitsu, running, cardio, or any other exercise. Its powerful motor delivers high-penetration relief and helps roll out tightness to make sure your body is prepared to excel and remain injury free.
- HIGH INTENSITY VIBRATION - Vibration enhances the effectiveness a foam roller has on your muscles. Its powerful motor delivers high-penetration relief and helps roll out tightness better than basic foam rolling.
- EASY TO READ MANUAL: We have designed our manual to be extremely user-friendly, with guided easy to follow pictures showing different ways to use the Revibe Vibration Roller for pre-workout as a muscle warm-up, post workout muscle recovery, and deep tissue massage between workouts.
- TRUSTED BY ATHLETES, PERSONAL TRAINERS AND PHYSICAL THERAPISTS AROUND THE WORLD - Used by professional athletes, fitness trainers and physical therapists around the world to help with basic to advance mobility, therapy, recovery, and flexibility. The Revibe Vibration Roller combines vibration therapy and foam rolling to help both the pros and the typical athlete reach peak performance levels.

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