Indoor And Outdoor Aerobic Speed Skipping

Indoor And Outdoor Aerobic Speed Skipping

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Fully adjustable-quickly and easily adjust in minutes, from 9.8 feet to the length you want! Suitable for all ages (adults, men, women, children, boys and girls), and various experience levels.
No sunburn! -Use high-quality ball bearings to ensure smooth and easy rotation, making it a perfect complement to any calorie burning training program.
Enjoy overall comfort-the ergonomically designed handle provides extra comfort not found in other skipping ropes, while preventing palm sweat and providing you with a firm grip for exercise!
Lightweight and portable-light as a feather, easy to carry, allowing you to burn to the maximum extent*, adjust your muscles, and achieve peak fitness results. After purchase, you will also receive easy-to-understand sizing instructions and tips on how to make the most of the rope.

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