Environmental Dumbbell Set (Red Model)

Environmental Dumbbell Set (Red Model)

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Adjustable Weight Dumbbell Barbell Set: METAL CONNECTING BAR let it is easily attached to both dumbbells to transform into a barbell.You can choose different weight dumbbell sets according to your training plan.
Save Time & Space: This dumbbell barbell set is easy to use and don't require much space for storage.Suitable for home gyms and fitness enthusiasts of all levels.Buy a set in your home or office, and you can train anytime, anywhere.
Multi-weight Set: It consists of many dumbbell pieces of different weights. You can increase or decrease weight at any time according to your training intensity.
Embossed /frosted weight plates with obvious weight markings, coated with black paint finish to prevent rust and corrosion. The metal dumbbell bar gives you a firm sense of security.TPU protective cover on the dumbbell to provide essential grip and security during workouts, and that will protect floors and equipment from being scratched, scuffed, and dented.
Healthy and Fitness: Our weight fitness set works great while walking, running and cardio exercises to help boost calorie-burning, and also great for physical therapy. It helps train and strengthen your quads, glutes, buttocks, abs, biceps, triceps, legs and knees at home or gym. With the effective fat-burning fitness equipment, body shaping is quite simple and easy. Perfect birthday/ Christmas gifts for men.

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