Adjustable Dumbbell with Fast Automatic Adjustable Weights for Body Workout Home Gym

Adjustable Dumbbell with Fast Automatic Adjustable Weights for Body Workout Home Gym

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【Adjustable Dumbbell】Adjustment weights from 6.6lb to 44lb. Just turn the handle with one hand easy weight change. Adjustable dumbbell supports diverse strength training by changing different weights.
【Anti-slip Safe Design】Anti-Slip Safe Exquisite Design The non-slip comfortable handle allows you feel safe and be worry-free during workout. it also has an adjustable safety design, the dumbbells leave the dumbbell base, the weight is locked immediately, and the dumbbell pieces are prevented from falling during the exercise.
【Comprehensive Workout Setting】Our adjustable dumbbell allows you to have a versatile workout. It also helps strengthen the upper body, core muscles, and lower body. The adjustable design makes it easy to stay fit at home.
【Easy Storage】Compact design allows you to store and use dumbbells anywhere. Customized dumbbell base does not hurt the floor, the dumbbell plates won't hurt your hands when assembling or using.
【Fitness Anywhere】This adjustable dumbbells set made from solid steel with anti-rust finish, have long-lasting protection. Perfect for workout routine at home, office or any place.

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