Suitable For Water Sports Sup Inflatable Board

Suitable For Water Sports Sup Inflatable Board

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IDEAL ALL-AROUND SUP TO EXPLORE THE WATER: Travel anywhere with this top-notch board and trust you’ll enjoy every moment on the water. It will allow you to explore new places for years to come with its extreme durability.
LIGHTWEIGHT INFLATABLE PADDLE BOARD: The board weighs fully inflated is one of the lightest models available on the market. No need to rely on anyone else for this quick set up and easy to carry board. Take it anywhere at any time by yourself with no hassle.
ADVANCED SUP CONSTRUCTION: Built using the highest quality materials, this board is constructed with advanced Fusion Technology using the best woven drop stitch materials to provide the upmost resilient board to be had. The dual layer board is crafted with a UV protected deck pad to keep your board safe.
RIGID BOARD: Our inflatable stand up paddle boards inflate up to 15 PSI for a sturdy ride in all weather conditions.
COMPLETE PACKAGE: Includes inflatable stand up paddle board with all the top-quality accessories: adjustable carbon fiber hybrid paddle, detachable fins, hybrid coiled leash, dual chamber triple action hand pump, repair kit, and a multifunctional backpack. Everything you need to get started to paddle board is all right here in this bundle!

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