Stand-Up Water Ski Sub Inflatable Board

Stand-Up Water Ski Sub Inflatable Board

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Premium inflatable paddle board is made of the highest quality grade material. We provide the most durable lightweight boards on the market using the same materials as boards costing twice as much. All boards come complete with everything you need to get out and enjoy the water right away
Our extra wide design creates an incredible all-around board for riders of all skill levels. These kits can be used in the ocean, freshwater lakes, and rivers. Our board is an industry-leading weight of only 17.5 pounds—that’s 20% lighter than competitors’. Board dimensions are 10’ long by 33” wide and 6” thick with a weight limit of 350 pounds. Pets love them too
Our premium paddle board package has everything you need to enjoy your day on the water including: your board, collapsible aluminum paddle, removable fin, coil safety leash, hand pump, waterproof bag for essentials such as cell phone and keys, and an upgraded backpack to hold everything
We stand by the quality of our board and are glad to provide a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty at no additional cost. Supported by the best customer service in the industry, you can trust us as the leader in quality and fun.

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