Hard Protective Gear Ski Helmet

Hard Protective Gear Ski Helmet

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Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. Hard Shell construction produces great helmets at great value. A rugged outer shell is molded and then attached to the EPS foam liner.
In form fit system makes it easy to dial in a custom fit in seconds - even with gloves on. An ergo-friendly dial at the base of the helmet provides up to 6cm of adjustment and enhanced stability. Vertical Tuning feature accommodates different goggles and head shapes for a custom fit free of gaper gap (space between goggles and helmet).
Thermostat Control adjustable venting allows you to custom tune airflow instantly with a simple, low profile control button on the outside of the helmet. No other system is faster or easier to adjust, and nothing is more effective at keeping you comfortable. In the front of the helmet which aligns with your goggles and helps to keep them clear and fog free.
The products have been meticulously designed and tested to work together. We've fine-tuned the pairings of our helmets and goggles using exhaustive testing in our R&D center and translating those findings into the perfect Seamless Compatibility fit.

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