New Design Corefit Gym Ball with cover and stand

New Design Corefit Gym Ball with cover and stand

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  • ERGONOMIC: Incorporate an anti-burst exercise ball in your daily life to help fix your posture and strengthen your core, back, and muscles while accomplishing tasks at home, the office, or the gym.
  • WHAT'S INCLUDED: Not only do you receive an extra thick anti-slip yoga ball with massage dots, but included are a hand pump, a 4-piece ball stand, a plug puller, two plugs, and a workout book.
  • DIFFERENT USES: Enhance your work out routines, utilize as an alternative to an office desk chair to improve your balance, or use as a pregnancy ball to relieve discomfort. Ideal in yoga or Pilates.
  • RESISTANCE BAND FRIENDLY: Fitness ball holder includes resistance band holes for resistance/exercise bands use, increasing the number of possible workouts.
  • SAFETY: Do not use Swiss ball while it is in or on stability ball base on slippery surface, such as wooden floors or tiles, especially if you are using it as pregnancy ball for birthing exercises.

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