Super Thick Explosion-Proof Color Gym Ball

Super Thick Explosion-Proof Color Gym Ball

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UNIQUE QUALITY - The training ball is primarily safe for use. It is thanks to the high-quality materials it is made of that it has found recognition in the eyes of trainers, physiotherapists and people exercising at home.
INTERESTING TRAINING - The fitness ball is a simple device that will provide you with the possibility of effective and, above all, interesting training. In addition to the ball, you will get a special pump. Thanks to this, you can practice immediately.
WHERE YOU WANT ONLY - Our ball is a premium product, which means that it will work both in home and commercial use - in gyms and in physiotherapy offices. helps you improve your body's overall sense of stability and balance.
NOT ONLY TRAINING - You can also appreciate it as an alternative to a chair in front of a computer desk, e.g. in the office, because it prevents back pain and ensures comfortable sitting. Its maximum load capacity is 200 kg.

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