Kids Scooter

Kids Scooter

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SAFE AND ROBUST: Keeping everyone's safety in mind, our light weight kick scooter allows you to cruise with ease with its non-slip, weight absorbing, and extra wide deck that ensures a secure footing and comfortable ride. The adults, teens and kids scooter is constructed with aluminum and steel, comfortable rubber handle, reliable brakes, and equipped with front suspension designed to withstand everyday use and abuse
NO ASSEMBLY NEEDED: We know how most people dread waiting, so we made the assembly of this kick scooter a real breeze for everyone. Within a few seconds and you are ready to go
FOLDABLE AND EASY TO CARRY: Compared to any other scooter for kids ages 8-12 this Scooter was designed with a push up folding mechanism, making it easy and secure for you to fold and unfold it within a few seconds without any tool. It is also made to be convenient to store and easy to carry around with its carry strap
EFFORTLESS RIDE I The high-quality wear-resistant PU wheels of this scooter for teens, adults and kids feature an advanced shock absorption mechanism that will give you a smooth experience, making it suitable for many kinds of pavement
NEVER GROW OUT I There is no need for you to constantly buy new scooters as you age. The handlebar is adjustable for a wide range of ages. Therefore, this Scooter for Kids ages 6-12 (starting age) is also perfectly suitable as scooter for adults and teens 12 years and up as you grow older.

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