5-in-1 3-Wheel Children's Bicycle

5-in-1 3-Wheel Children's Bicycle

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The Learning power of playtime — the kid scooter introduces young kids ages 3 to 5 to the freedom of riding, with a smart 3-in-1 design offering parents more bang for their Buck.
Keep your kids active — help your child get a head start. Our 3-in-1 balance bike will improve their hand-eye coordination, stamina and balance while delivering years of healthy fun.
Watch your kids grow — transform this tricycle for kids to follow your child's growth. Watch with pride as your child graduates from three wheels to two, from baby steps to big strides.
Four kid’s toys in one — balance tricycle. Balance bike. Three-wheel scooter. Kid’s kick scooter. Quickly transform from one to the other when your child is ready. With four riding modes, The K6 is there for every stage of your toddler’s journey.
Gold-star support — the 3-in-1 scooter is backed by an expert team of support specialists, fully staffed in the U. S. And available via live chat, phone and email.
Sport type: Outdoor Toys
Brake style: Manual Brake

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