Three-hole rubber-coated barbell weightlifting board, barbell plate

Three-hole rubber-coated barbell weightlifting board, barbell plate

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【High Quality】 The sturdy cast iron inserts are drop resistant, wear resistant, long service life, small in size, yet heavy enough, harder than rock and harder than nails... High quality cast iron inserts make bumper plates very popular.
【Large Diameter】 The size of each center hole is 2 inches, and our barbell plates are compatible with all bars in the Olympic standard. The plated holes are wear-resistant and allow the plate to slide freely on the rod.
【Environmental Protection Materials】 High-quality natural rubber is wrapped on the outside, which is non-irritating and has excellent elasticity. Even if it accidentally falls from a height, it can prevent damage to the floor. You can exercise freely at home, office , gym and dormitory.
【Multi-function】 Two ways of use, with barbell bar or handheld counterweight plate. Each barbell plate has 3 grasping hole to provide a firm grip when loading and unloading heavy objects. Each weight has a clear KG,which makes it more convenient to use and choose, and quickly get the weight of the weight you need.

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