Adjustable Barbell Weight Pair, Free Weights 2-in-1 Set,All-Purpose, Home, Gym, Office

Adjustable Barbell Weight Pair, Free Weights 2-in-1 Set,All-Purpose, Home, Gym, Office

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This adjustable dumbbell set comes with a connecting bar that can be easily attached to both dumbbells to transform into a barbell. There are also adjustable weight plates that let you customize the weight of the dumbbell/barbell to your desired setting. This allows you to efficiently use our dumbbell/barbell set for many exercises instead of buying multiple sets.
COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE SET- Our all-in-one dumbbell-barbell set allows you to have a versatile workout. The dumbbells can be used to sculpt your arms, while the barbell setup allows you to practice dead-lifts or squats. This product is perfect for improving overall health or encouraging weight loss. It also helps strengthen the upper body, core muscles, and lower body. The adjustable design makes it easy to stay fit at home.
MULTI-WEIGHT SETTING: This set comes with 8 weight plates: four 3.3 lb. plates and four 4.4 lb. plates. Each dumbbell handle weighs 0.6 lbs. The lowest weight you can adjust to for each dumbbell is 0.6 lbs. with no plates attached. The highest weight with all the plates attached is 17 lbs. Weights can be added or taken off in 3.3 lb. or 4.4 lb. increments. The barbell rod weighs 0.5 lbs., so the barbell can be adjusted from 1.1 lbs. to 33 lbs.

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