Adjustable Knee Pad Wrap Cushion Elastic Anti-Collision

Adjustable Knee Pad Wrap Cushion Elastic Anti-Collision

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ADJUSTABLE DESIGN: The knee pads is hook-and-loop fastener closure design. Can adjust the width of the knee pads according to the size of legs. It will make the knee brace fit for kids knee perfectly. Reduce the slip and the more relaxed the trouble
EFFECTIVE PROTECTION: There is 1cm thickened and high-density sponge insert in the knee pads, it will great for shock absorption protection, provide great support for the knee and effectively resist the collision force. They can also protect knees from scratches and avoid unnecessary injuries and pains when cycling, skating and scooter roller
BREATHABLE&ANTI-SLIP: The inner layer have have many small holes, it will make this knee brace breathable and sweat absorption. The knee pad position have anti-slip silicone dots, it will avoid the knee pads slip from the legs.They will feel comfortable and dry when kids wear it
APPLICATIONS: This sport knee brace is a great protector when play outside. Perfect for most sports activities like jogging, running, dancing, football, basketball, volleyball, skating, cycling, sports and more

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