Knee Pads And Elbow Pads Fitness Yoga Mat

Knee Pads And Elbow Pads Fitness Yoga Mat

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Eco-Friendly Material:The material is skin-friendly,good flexibility, not easy to tear, waterproof and sweat proof,easy to clean.Yoga Mat has good elasticity, and strong resilience. When you do yoga you will feel soft and very comfortable.
Double-sided non-slip: The surface of the exercise mat has a clear texture that can enhance friction with people, and will bring stronger grip when sweating. The back is a wave texture, which can be firmly adsorbed on the floor, which can make the yoga mat Stay in place moderately, which helps maintain stability when practicing yoga.
Easy to Clean: The yoga mat is very easy to clean and care, just wipe it lightly with soapy water, and then dry it (do not expose it to the sun,Roll it up and you can store it easily at home.
Easy to carry: The yoga mat is equipped with a yoga belt and storage bag, which allows you to take it with you anytime, anywhere, and can be taken to the gym or wherever you want to go, providing you with convenient conditions for practicing yoga.

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