- Made of soft polyesre filler, this lazy quilt blanket is available for winter, spring and fall, it is can be used as a blanket,also can be used as Sleeping Bag.
- Fast closing/openning by using the zip, and the wrap cloth can be opened completely, more convenient to use, allow your baby to remain comfortable in all environments.
- this Sleeping Bag rolls up effortlessly to fit securely into your bag that help get you out the door and on your way in a snap, the zipper closure up the side makes it easy to get into and out of in the morning.
- Baby can wear this quilt comforter sleeping, playing games, working, or fold it to a bolster for traveling, and this wearable blanket also can be washed by machine or by your hands.
- You can't help but smile when you see your baby sleep in it.Its a nice gift for someone All of our sleepsack are machine washable and can stand repeated cleanings without losing their shape.

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