Resistance Bands Set,Exercise Bands,5 Tube Fitness Bands with Door Anchor,Handles,Portable Bag,Physical Therapy, Shape Body,Home Workouts

Resistance Bands Set,Exercise Bands,5 Tube Fitness Bands with Door Anchor,Handles,Portable Bag,Physical Therapy, Shape Body,Home Workouts

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Adjustable Resistance Bands, Maximum equivalent of 150 lbs - Comes as a set of 5, 48-inch long colored exercise bands: Yellow (10 lbs),Blue (20 lbs), Green (30 lbs), Black (40 lbs), Red(50 lbs). All bands can be combined together to provide up to 150 lbs
Works for multiple workout scenario - As true resistance is maintained through every part of a motion.The resistance band set can be great with any popular workout like Yoga, Pilates and more. Or use them for general exercise, stretching, strength training, power weight programs
Mobile gym to build muscles - You can use the resistance bands with ankle straps and door attachment to exercise at home or outside.You can do exercise anytime and anywhere to burn fat and shape your body
Portable and easy to store - These bands are so lightweight and this resistance kit comes with a cloth pouch. It is very convenient to carry and store
What are included: 5 Tube Resistance Bands, 2 Soft Cushioned Handles, 2 Ankle Straps,1 Door Anchor,1 Exercise Guidance, 1 Carrying Bag.

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