Resistance Loop Exercise Bands - Set of 5 Bands for Working Out with Instruction Guide & Carry Bag - Mini Resistance Bands for Legs and Butt

Resistance Loop Exercise Bands - Set of 5 Bands for Working Out with Instruction Guide & Carry Bag - Mini Resistance Bands for Legs and Butt

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100% Premium-Grade Latex
YOUR ALL-IN ONE PERSONAL GYM - Bring new life, fun and excitement to your workouts with these 12" by 2" resistance bands set. These workout bands have up to 5 different levels of resistance from Extra Light to Extra Heavy to help you get stronger.
EFFECTIVE & PORTABLE - Take these bands for working out with you wherever life takes you with the bonus carry bag. Get fit & sculpt a better body anywhere, even without expensive gym memberships, exercise equipment or having to leave your home.
FUN & EASY TO USE - Exercising while watching your favorite TV series is now possible with resistance bands. Just wear one or two loop bands around you arms, wrists, thighs, legs or ankles and you're all set for a calorie-burning workout
OUTPERFORM YESTERDAY'S YOU - Each resistance band is made of 100% natural latex (TPE free) making these odor-free, elastic, durable. Focus on performing each move & say goodbye to bands that pinch your skin, snap, or leave marks on your clothes.
ALL YOU EVER NEED - The instructions guide included in the cold-coded resistance bands will show you everything you need to know in order to perform exercise bands workouts.

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