Fitness Home Equipment Adjustable Solid Dumbbell

Fitness Home Equipment Adjustable Solid Dumbbell

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  • 2-in-1barbell weight adjustable design: There are also adjustable weight plates that let you customize the weight of the dumbbell/barbell to your desired setting. This adjustable dumbbell set comes with a connecting bar that can be easily attached to both dumbbells to transform into a barbell.
  • Aafe To Use Easy to Store: The rods are made of spring steel, which can carry heavy weights and will not bend. The non-slip handles are knurled and contoured that fit your hands perfectly. Simply unscrew the end nuts to uninstall weight plates, the separated parts can now be easily stored into your drawers.
  • Non-Slip Safe Design: This simply designed dumbbell/barbell can be used to strength train and to build your muscles in order to avoid muscle atrophy and keep healthy.Both the Neoprene and upgraded curve-shaped handlebar allows for a better grip so you can improve your coordination and avoid any injuries or accidents.
  • Premium Quality: The dumbbell bar is connected by a connector to form a barbell to meet the needs of leg muscle training. We have put a lot of effort into this product. We believe you will like this product and give it to your friends as a gift.
  • What You Get: Package includes 1x Connecting Rod, 6 lbs*4 Dumbbell plates, 5.5 lbs*4 Dumbbell plates, 4.4 lbs*4 Dumbbell plates. The intensity according to your own fitness plan,whether you are man or woman are suitable.

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