Yoga Block Set

Yoga Block Set

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The perfect gift for yourself , or a loved one that's into exercise and working out , this kit has it all -> Our classic triple zone massage roller with end caps for storage , great for deep tissue massage and stretching legs and lower back .
There's our premium massage stick for those hard-to-roll areas , like the quad , shin , and inner thigh . Control the intensity of the massage by pressing harder or softer with the handles . Flush lactic acid from muscle tissue after your workout .
After the deep tissue massager , the most important thing for your body is stretches . Our stretch strap is amazing for your hamstring and quads . Just wrap one end around your foot , and control the intensity by grabbing different handles .
Finally, 2 types of massage balls , both great tools for trigger point and myofascial release . Our double lacrosse ball is best for rolling the forearm , neck , and shoulders - our spike ball is great for the arches of your feet for plantar fasciitis .
All of this is backed by our lifetime manufacturer's warranty and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee , To purchase these items separate making this a great value or a great gift (if you know anyone that likes massages...) ; )
eBook can be downloaded for free via the manufacture’s website, also arrives as an email attachment.

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