- High density muscle roller is comfortable to use - so it's great for beginners , and effective at penetrating the soft tissue layer of tired muscles . Firm enough to provide intense benefit to lower back injury , sciatica , or plantar fasciitis .
- One of the best recovery tools to treat muscle pain , increase performance and flexibility. Rolling before and after exercise sis part of a great stretching routine . Increases blood flow to massage site , flushing away stored lactic acid .
- Stretch overworked and strained muscles of the leg , arms , and feet by rolling during your warm up and cool downs . Provides instant benefit to the hamstring , IT band , gluts , and calves by delivering superior massages at home or in the gym .
- Loved by runners , Cross fit athletes , yoga and Pilates students , swimmers , physical or sports therapy patients , and those just doing a normal workout . Great for the arch of the foot , and any part of the body but the spine and neck .

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