3 Tier Metal Steel Home Workout Gym Dumbbell shelves Weight Rack Storage Stand

3 Tier Metal Steel Home Workout Gym Dumbbell shelves Weight Rack Storage Stand

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Keep all of your weights secure at all times with Dumbbell Rack. Made from commercial-grade steel, its durable frame can withstand heavy loads while resisting damage from intensive use over time.
DURABLE POWDER-COATED FINISH – Reinforced with a strong powder coating, this versatile dumbbell holder boasts a sturdy construction that won’t be easily tarnished even by the heaviest gear. Its matted surface effectively resists scratches and scuffs.
COMPACT AND SPACE-SAVING DESIGN – This weight rack has an ergonomically designed structure featuring a compact three-tier storage space and an angled design, allowing you to place the rack in any part of your gym for easy equipment accessibility.
MULTI-LEVEL STORAGE FOR FREE WEIGHTS – Store your dumbbells in a designated space that you can easily access while keeping things organized in your home gym! This rack stand features a 3-tiered storage space designed to accommodate dumbbells of all sizes.
RUBBERIZED FEET FOR STABILITY – A functional addition to your gym, this free weight organizer features rubberized feet that protect your floor from scratches. It also absorbs shock during re-stocking, preventing the rack from sliding.

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