3-in-1 3-Wheel Children's Bicycle

3-in-1 3-Wheel Children's Bicycle

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Popular Toys: All-new design 3-in-1 kids scooter, combined kick scooter, balance bike, tricycle, learning bike and walking car total 5 different modes for 2 - 6 years old(44 pounds) kids
Free Assemble: Rotatable rear wheels design, easy to transform to 5 modes as your wish without tools, truly convenient, no need to worry about your child being harmed by using tools
Full Care for Kids: Anti-Pinch hand design, active brakes designed on the rear wheels children can better control the speed in the scooter mode, soft plastic seat design
Witness the Growth of Children: Balance bike mode is the best helper for the kid to develops balance and helps kids gain balance, steering, coordination, and confidence at an early age
Why You Choose: We recognize the kids how to play with their toys especially the scooter after research thousands of examples, it is comprised of sturdy plastic and aluminum alloy parts. This is no doubt the most wonderful gift and toy for kids

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