Suede + Natural Rubber Yoga Mat

Suede + Natural Rubber Yoga Mat

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NEW INOVATIVE ECO FRIENDLY MATERIAL Rest easy knowing that this yoga mat was constructed of certified eco-friendly materials. We doing our part to save the environment while enhancing people’s ability to better their bodies! It is safer and more soft than traditional non-green PVC and EVA yoga mats.
PERFECT CUSHIONING AND THICK YOGA MAT: Most mats are either too thin or too thick. Yoga mats are guaranteed to provide the optimal level of cushion and protection for your joints and knees while still allowing you to grip the floor for balance & protecting the safety of all levels of yoga enthusiasts.
PREMIUM TPE MATERIALS Tired of your yoga mats slipping, tearing and falling apart? The Yoga Mat has been innovatively crafted with lightweight TPE material. It will withstand all of your daily workout routines while sticking to all floor surfaces!
LIGHTWEIGHT YOGA MAT & FREE CARRY STRAP: The workout mat is light enough to carry to the gym or anywhere you want with the included carrying strap.
CARE INSTRUCTIONS – To clean your mat simply wipe clean using a clean damp cloth and a small amount of eco-friendly soap with water. Do not use harsh chemicals on your mat and be careful not to over scrub the mat as this may damage the surface. Do not machine wash, put through a spin cycle or spin dry.

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