Recreation Riding Outdoor Sports Children's Bike

Recreation Riding Outdoor Sports Children's Bike

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  • Easy to Ride: Powerextra kids toddler bike help develop kids balance, steering, coordination, enjoy riding and gain confidence. Smooth, quiet and simple to ride for your toddler or young child. Walker bike offers effortless operation with no gears, batteries or pedals.
  • Easy To Assemble: The baby sport balance bike has a modular design, which can easily install only needs one step(no tools required). No screws, wrenches or assembly process.
  • 1-2 year Old Gift: Rider bike is a great way to keep kids active and will surely become your child’s preferred method of transportation! No require gears, pedals or batteries for a smooth, quiet and fun activity for your child. Balance bike will provide miles of enjoyment for kids 1-2 years old, simply twist, wiggle and go. (Not suitable for children over 2 years old or over 80cm tall )
  • Safety Design: The baby balance bike with no pedals design, four wide and durable wheels that are not only fun but safe. 135° steering limited to avoid baby side falling. Made from rugged high-quality plastics that can hold up to 150 lbs. of weight. Makes for great toys for baby, ages 1-2 years old.
  • Ride It Anywhere – All you need is a smooth, flat surface. Prefect for both outdoor AND indoor playing. Great way to keep kids active and moving! The infant bike can be throw in the trunk of a car so that Prefect for both outdoor AND indoor playing. Great way to keep kids active and moving!

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