Natural Rubber Yoga Mat - Eco Yoga Mat - Newly Improved Non Slip Pattern - Reversible Natural Rubber

Natural Rubber Yoga Mat - Eco Yoga Mat - Newly Improved Non Slip Pattern - Reversible Natural Rubber

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MPROVED FIRM GRIP​: It has a custom design, open-cell pattern.This lends itself to be exceptional for yoga, pilates, or exercising ​because of its ​non-slip benefits - ​regardless of excess sweat or moisture. With​ a 4.0mm density​, yoga mat offers padding while still providing enough ​stability ​to carry out even the most challenging poses​ to help you overcome your innermost blockages.
ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY, SAFE MATERIALS: yoga mat is created with ​natural​ ​rubber​ and cotton fibres, free of harmful toxins and chemicals​. Yoga mat is eco friendly and ​is as good for your body as it is kind to mother nature. We are 100% committed to providing natural products that align with who we are, while still offering you the ​highest quality​. We don't use plastic unnecessarily.
SEEKING YOUR BEST SELF: Yoga mat offers a ​minimalistic aesthetic design that freely blends into any setting and can be appreciated and used by anyone. It features a blue iris color that appeals to both ​​men and women, with more colors to come so you can express your truest self in the most authentic way possible!It is great to use at studios, retreats,​ and​ at home​ and would make a wonderful gift for beginners to experts and fitness enthusiasts​ alike.
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE MATTERS: We are committed to providing an outstanding customer experience from start to finish so you can feel carefree knowing you will be taken care of by one of our friendly team members.

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