Super Smooth And Powerful Spinning Wheel

Super Smooth And Powerful Spinning Wheel

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Interchangeable handle - The fishing reel is equipped with a left/right interchangeable handle. A great spinning reel allows you to change to your favorite side easily. And easy to fold when you pack it.
Super Smooth - The spinning reels has Hybrid Drag System, it can generate silky smooth drag performance and no bumpy feel at the beginning of line releasing. And high precise machined brass pinion gear match with metal drive gear very well, you cannot feel any uncomfortable while cranking handle.
Affordable High-Quality –The spinning reels is featured with 9 + 1 high-quality double shield ball bearing, instant anti-reverse, stainless steel hardware, left/right interchangeable handle, and large line capacity. It is perfect for crappie, trout, bass, catfish and other popular fishing catches.
Versatile – The fishing reels is an ideal fishing gear for whatever beginner, experienced anglers or advanced fisherman. It's easy to use, high performance and reliable. Great for almost all fishing scenarios.
Customer Service - As a registered brand in the United States, Credo fishing reels spinning provide trusted after service.

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