Fishing Reel Spinning Portable Fishing

Fishing Reel Spinning Portable Fishing

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【SMOOTH PERFORMANCE】This spinning fishing reel equipped with ceramic wire hole, can smoothly release the line, and the wire is evenly arranged, does not damage the wire. The super smooth drag is powerful enough to handle various fish.
【LIGHTWEIGHT & LABOR‑SAVING】This aluminum alloy ice fishing wheel designed with small size and lightweight hollow body. Using the knob to adjust, which is labor‑saving, and not easy to break the line. It will help you avoid fatigue while fishing all day long.
【PARAMETERS OF FISHING REEL】This ice fishing reel's handle direction is right-handed, the speed ratio is 1:1, the reel diameter is 2.1in, and its winding amount is 0.23/120 0.26/100, with professional manufacturing, very suitable for ice fishing.
【HIGH QUALITY】This right hand fishing spinning reel with all‑metal body, adopts aluminum alloy material, with anti‑corrosion and anti‑oxidation treatmentl, which ensured the fishing reel has a long life and great performance.
【100% QUALITY ASSURANCE】We are very confident in the quality of this ice fishing spinning reel, and provide warranty or refund for it. Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions about your purchase.

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