Yoga Strap, Multi-Loop Strap, Non Elastic Stretch Strap for Physical Therapy, Pilates, Dance

Yoga Strap, Multi-Loop Strap, Non Elastic Stretch Strap for Physical Therapy, Pilates, Dance

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VERSATILITY YOGA STRAP: Stretching your body during a warm up,dance and pilates, Massage your muscles and finish off with an amazing and safe assisted stretch, helpful in Physical Therapy Treatments and recovery from injuries.
MADE WITH DURABLE AND LONG-LASTING NYLON: the yoga strap offers optimal resistance and great stability, never losing its shape, rip or fray.Take on the go with the included nylon storage bag.
BENEFIT YOUR BODY: Fits comfortably in your hands and around your feet.Stretch exercise straps keeps your body in a better shape to withstand intensive exercise and improved range of motion, enhanced muscle recovery, reduced risk of injury.
PORTABLE AND EASY TO USE: 12 soft and nonelastic loops. 8 foot long and 1.57 inches wide enough to recommended the most beginner to use it, Yoga stretches are so easy to work with it even if you've never done them before.
SATISFACTION: we are willing to provide you a safe and high quality yoga stretching strap. If our exercise stretching strap doesn’t suit you and your expectations, just send it back for a full refund.

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