Home Fitness Equipment Exercise Bike

Home Fitness Equipment Exercise Bike

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Flywheel: 6KG two-way internal magnetic control wheel
Braking system: fast braking (8-speed magnetic control)
Transmission system: belt two-way transmission
Foot pedal: large plastic pedal
Electronic watch: ST-6572 (heartbeat, speed, distance, time, heat, scan,
6 function electronic watch)
[Fully adjustable seat]: The exercise bike has a fully adjustable seat, allowing you to easily adjust the seat forward/back and up/down. The height of the seat and the distance of the handle can be adjusted to suit most users with different needs.
[Multi-function display and mobile phone holder]: The digital display can track time, distance, speed, odometer, pulse and calories, so you can monitor your exercise data. The grips on both sides can record your heart rate. In addition, the phone holder allows you to listen to music and watch videos while exercising.
[Freely adjustable resistance]: The resistance can be adjusted, so you can choose the ideal exercise intensity according to your needs. You can stop the bike immediately by pressing the resistance knob

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