Jump Rope

Jump Rope

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Smooth and Fast: the ball bearing system avoids the twisting, winding or bending like other fitness ropes, it ensures stable and relaxed rotation, as our skipping rope can bear heavy load, which brings your a perfect exercise of skipping rope, also provides the best fluency for elite fitness professionals.
Sports Fitness: our exercise skipping rope can shape your cardio endurance, stamina and speed, while improving the muscle tension of your whole body. A great choice for boxing, MMA and cross training.
PVC Embedded Wire Rope: the braided steel wire rope is coated with PVC, which features durable and smooth, ensures the maximum service life and avoids cracking or breaking.
Maximum Comfort: the gym skipping rope constructed with light weight ergonomic handles coated with 6 inch soft EVA memory foam grips for extra comfortable and strong grip, so that you can You can take full advantage for doing exercise.
Adjustable Length: design with 9 feet long of the rope, it can be adjusted quickly according to your height. Suitable for adults and children.

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