Smart Hola hoop

Smart Hola hoop

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  • 【The Ergonomic Design】The smart hula hoop can easily be disassembled and reassembled. It’s easier to store than that big traditional hula hoop. There is no need to worry about the hula hoop falling! It was created so that you bought it at target. It has rubber grips to make sure that it comfortably grips onto your skin. The centrifugal force of the gravity ball is used to drive that annoying fat off your belly.
  • 【Flexible Assembly】The design of the hoop is made of several smaller pieces large enough to make that you have. It is easy to assemble but small enough so you can find the right size that works for you.
  • 【Magnetic therapy and Message】The newly upgraded hola hoop includes magnetic therapy disks on the soft rubber massage heads that can deeply massage your muscles. It will help you relieve the muscle pain on the waist, eliminate fatigue and burn fat quickly. The massage head is soft and friendly to the skin. It makes the curves of your waist even more noticeable and if you use this hoop daily you will see significant changes in the structure of your waist.
  • 【Easy To Use】The hula hoop will not drop compared to the traditional hula hoops when you’re in a long workout session. It is so simple that it might make you start competitively hula hooping. Don’t try competitively hooping though. We’re the ones making it easy for you to hula hoop. This is perfect for people that have never been able to hula hoop since the way our hula works is completely different from traditional hula hoops.
  • 【IMPORTANT NOTE】To avoid the weighted ball touching objects during exercise, please keep watching the swing range of the gravity hammer. We strongly recommend wearing comfortable clothes when you use the hula hoop.

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