Smart Dumbbell

Smart Dumbbell

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MADE FROM HIGH QUALITY, DURABLE MATERIAL: The dumbbells are made from tough cast iron material which is affordable and perfect for home use and small personal training studio. These weights comes with a neoprene coat that can withstand daily use while still looking pristine and well-kept. It's soft and smooth coating gives you comfort and ease of use. These barbell weights are less slippery so you can handle the weights even when you are sweating
PORTABLE, EASY TO CARRY AND STORE: The dumbbells weight allows you to carry them around which is perfect if you want to lift weight at work or while travel. These dumbbells are designed to be portable so you can continue to train your muscles and shape up even when you are away from the gym for general exercises
PERFECT EXERCISE TOOL FOR VARIOUS STRENGTH EXERCISES: The dumbbell weights for exercises can help you in your quest for muscle growth and strengthening. Use 20 lb dumbbells set of 2 in your crossover lunge, rotational presses, alternating bent-over rows and forward bend to overhead press exercises. Without worrying about barbell weights rolling as a result of their hex dumbbells shape.
INCLUDES MULTIPLE SIZES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM: Add life to your normal and basic workout routine, with our colorful and vibrant 20 pound dumbbells. With many sizes and colors available in this set, you can bet you will enjoy lifting weights anytime of the day! Incremental gym weights between 2 pounds and 20 pounds allow you vary the intensity of your workouts
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: We take pride in the products we provide, thus we can assure you that getting the Republic Neoprene Coated Dumbbells Pair is worth your money! Our customer service team is ready to assist you in any way possible to answer your inquiry. Our dumbbell set walking weights are exceptional for step aerobics and weight loss .

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