Kids Scooter

Kids Scooter

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Safety First: The combination of strong structure, sturdy material and Lean-to-Steer Technology makes it the most safe and stable Scooter.
Smooth Ride: Innovative 3-wheeler toy made to expand motor skills and imaginative skills of your adventurous child by taking a smooth scooting.
Light-Up Wheels: Turning light-up wheels provide fun and excitement as your toddler plays. In addition, it can better protect the safety of children in low-light environments.
Versatile Adjustments and Removable flipped-out seat: 2in1 function scooter, no screwdriver needed.The seat could be removed or flipped when kid scoot standing up. And handlebar with 4 height adjustments always fit for children of different ages.
Portability: The One press-button fold design allows it to take up only a small space when storing, and When you want to fold, please press the button first and then pull it. It is convenient to carry it out in the trunk or store it at home.

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